Grammar Course (A1-A2)

Free Video Series on Youtube


This is a video tutorial series about the basics of German grammar for beginners and advanced beginners, available for free on Youtube.

In these tutorials we will go into the essentials of how this fascinating language works, how German sentences are composed and what you need to know in order to start building sentences on your own.

Plenty of exercises and downloadable PDF lesson handouts included.

This video series is still work in progress and not yet complete. More videos will be added over time.

Let me please ask you a favor.

I am providing my Grammar Course Series free of charge to everyone who is interested in learning this beautiful language and who is willing to put in the work and effort. If you feel that you could benefit from what I have created so far and would like to support me in my goal of doing this full-time, then please kindly consider making a small donation.

The production of each video takes on average 4 hours and takes place next to a busy full-time job. Any amount will be highly appreciated and pays for my time of creating more videos and learning materials for you.

Just click the button below to donate through Paypal.

Thank you!